Friday, February 5, 2010


So for all of you who are following me and actually reading my blog, I thank you! I have decided to keep my blog and what better way to start back up than with some GREAT news?!

So I live in the small community and we have this contest called "Gila Valley Idol" - it's kinda like American Idol... but much more selective and soooooooo much harder to get in the finals. OK.. So I may be exagerating just a tad, but still it's kind of a big deal around these parts. Actually it isn't kind of a big deal... it IS a big deal! Well They've been doing it for like 5 or 6 years and I've done it the past 3. I never made it past the preliminaries because of dumb reasons... until this year. Last night actually! I was first to sing and first to get called as a finalist!! I was like freaking out and soo sooo happy. If you want to hear me sing my song you can go HERE. I was in the Pollocks Western Outfitters preliminaries. Just thought I'd share the good news. :)

Have a wonderful day everyone.